
Underpinning the entire Moongate Protocol is the MoonPass, a decentralized identity layer for users, brands, and creators. This system revolutionizes digital identity management and user engagement in the Web3 space, offering permissionless integration, cross-platform compatibility, and privacy-preserving technology through zero-knowledge proofs. This allows verification of user credentials without exposing sensitive data. It also allows brands to identify high-value potential customers based on their reputation score.

For Brands and Creators:

  • Targeted Advertising: Utilize aggregated, anonymized MoonScore data to create highly targeted advertising campaigns, reaching users based on their holistic digital footprint.

  • Customized Reward Programs: Design and implement tailored quest & reward programs based on users' MoonScores, ensuring high-value users receive appropriate recognition.

For Consumers:

  • Self-sovereign omni-channel DID: Create and manage a Decentralized Identity (DID) by connecting various on-chain and off-chain profiles and wallets, maintaining full control over digital footprint and data.

  • MoonStamp: At mint, each DID comes with a stamp of varying rarity, which corresponds to the user’s $MGT earning/mining rate, per smart token campaign engagement. This rarity can be upgraded by using $MGT tokens. Higher rarity increases mining output and user benefits.

  • MoonScore: Receive a unique ‘reputation’ score based on assets and actions, both on-chain and off-chain, reflecting engagement and value across multiple platforms and ecosystems. This reputation score will unlock varying degrees of rewards and allocation in the Moongate Rewards and MoonPad.

Last updated