Identity & Reputation Layer

Wallet Integration:

  • Moongate utilizes threshold Multi-Party Computation (MPC) wallets, offering secure access through OAuth 2.0 social login options. This t-of-n threshold scheme distributes cryptographic operations across multiple parties, enhancing security without compromising usability. Our implementation supports the BLS signature scheme for efficient multi-signature operations.

Decentralized Identity (DID) and Zero-Knowledge Proofs:

  • Moongate's DID solution adheres to W3C DID standards, enabling users to establish a unified digital identity across multiple blockchains and Web2 social accounts. Our implementation supports various DID methods, including did:ethr, did:web, and did:key. The DID framework incorporates decentralized social graphs using protocols like Lens and Cyberconnect for enhanced data interoperability. We've implemented Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) technology using zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge) to protect user privacy, allowing credential verification without exposing sensitive information.

On-Off-Chain Data Analytics:

  • The platform integrates proprietary on-chain and off-chain data analytics using a hybrid architecture. On-chain data is processed through high-performance indexers supporting EVM-compatible chains and other major networks. Off-chain data is ingested through secure API integrations and processed using Apache Kafka for real-time event streaming. Advanced machine learning algorithms, including gradient boosting models and deep neural networks, process this data to identify patterns and optimize campaign effectiveness.

Reputation Score

  • The MoonPass Reputation Score revolutionizes digital trust in the Web3 era, functioning as a comprehensive credibility metric akin to a Web2 credit score, but with enhanced scope and privacy. Powered by advanced AI models like GPT-4 and Google Gemini, it analyzes both on-chain (transactions, smart contract interactions, asset holdings) and off-chain (social engagement, verified achievements) activities to generate a holistic user profile. Crucially, the score leverages cutting-edge zero-knowledge (ZK) technology to ensure user privacy, keeping the score and underlying data confidential by default. Users retain full control, choosing when and to whom they reveal their score or specific components, while brands can leverage this verifiable metric for personalized experiences and enhanced trust assessment, all without compromising user data sovereignty.

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